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Mobilité vers les Laboratoires Internationaux INSU- année 2025

The CNRS National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) is launching a call for proposals to support the mobility to its International Research Labs (IRL – see Annex for details) for scientific communities. The goal of this call is to improve the visibility of INSU's IRLs, and to assert the place of INSU's international laboratories in the national and international landscape


Call closing date : September 5 , 2024

Link to the Call for proposals: Click here

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There are 14 questions in this survey.
(This question is mandatory)
Last Name
(This question is mandatory)
First Name
(This question is mandatory)
Affiliated laboratory
(This question is mandatory)
Main scientific themes
Mobility Project
(This question is mandatory)
Choice of INSU IRL
The IRL3351 - IFAECI (Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre el Clima y sus Impactos - CNRS/CONICET/IRD/UBA) was created in January 2010 to strengthen scientific collaboration between France and Argentina on the study of climate in the context of climate change. Its aim is to improve knowledge of the physical processes that lead to climate variation and change, as well as to encourage studies into the impacts on people, biodiversity and production, and to generate information for the development of applications at the scale of South America and the surrounding oceans. IFAECI is based in Buenos Aires, it includes 77 researchers, including 2 CNRS staff.
The IRL3376 - TAKUVIK is an international Franco-Canadian laboratory. Created in 2011 by Université Laval and the CNRS, Takuvik studies the Arctic environment, and in particular the impact of current climatic and anthropogenic environmental disturbances on Arctic marine and terrestrial ecosystems and geosystems.
The IRL3386 - FCLA (Franco Chilean Laboratory for Astronomy) was created in 2012 by the CNRS and three major Chilean universities: the University of Chile (UChile), the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC) and the University of Concepción (UdC). The primary mission of the FCLA international laboratory is to promote and support collaboration between France and Chile in the field of astronomy, in particular on the formation and evolution of stars and planets, exoplanets, etc.
The IRL2009 - FSLAC (French - Spanish Laboratory for Astrophysics in Canarias) was created in 2021. This joint international laboratory is the result of a fruitful partnership in astrophysics between the CNRS and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). - It will strengthen the numerous scientific and instrumental collaborations between the French and Spanish communities around three major areas of research involving heavy equipment: in very high-energy gamma-ray astronomy with the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) project to install an array of several dozen telescopes - in solar physics, around the Themis telescope, which is already located in the Canary Islands and has been operated jointly since the 1980s, - and the development of a measurement of the cosmic microwave background from the ground.
Scientific mobility project
(This question is mandatory)
Brief scientific project (5 lines max) :
(This question is mandatory)
Details of planned activities (15 lines max) :
(This question is mandatory)
Motivations (relevance of the project to the IRL scientific themes, opportunity to establish new relationships/work together, etc.):
Timetable and financial resources
(This question is mandatory)
Total duration of stay (in days) :
(This question is mandatory)
Estimated cost of transportation (Plane Ticket, Train, etc.) :
(This question is mandatory)
Estimated total cost of mission (transport and mission expenses) :
(This question is mandatory)
Total contribution requested from INSU :
Please attach your CV in PDF format
Unit Director's agreement in PDF format